Archive for Greener

Peter Diamond on a world of abundance

Please use the next 18 minutes to watch this video:

if this is your first TED video, you have flood of good news awaiting you. Go to – find a video you love, tell your friends about it.
One that i have seen more than 15 times is by Jill Bolte Taylor. But you will find your own ones, and will pass them on.
Is it possible that we will find solutions to all our problems? Yes, and I think it is likely. Of course fiercer problems will arise out of their ashes, but that is all right.
It is our destiny, to see through ever-tougher problems, to never stop learning. We are the learning animal.
In Gaia (see James Lovelock for this wonderful vision), the single organism that Earth is, we are the nervous system. Truth is our ultimate food.


Global Warming Prayer

Global Warming Prayer

May the blessings of the exalted sources of refuge,

The Buddha, Dharma and Sangha, the Three Jewels,

And the Lama, Yidam and Protectors, the Three Roots,

Pacify the terrors of illness, famine and war,

And chaos in the elements. The temperatures

Unbalanced, grand snow mountains – hard, firm glaciers –

Will melt and disappear. Rivers and lakes

Becoming scarce, the forests of the ancients

And trees of beauty, too, will near their deaths.

There is a frightful danger the world’s reaches

Will become a great wasteland. May these coming

Dangers be fully pacified, and sublime

Good fortune and happiness spread all round.

May all beings nurture one another lovingly

And kindly, so their joy may fully blossom;

May all their aims be fulfilled, like the Dharma.

The Thrangu Tulku made this prayer

at the request of the scientist John Stanley, a student of the Lord of Refuge Dudjom Rinpoche.

Translated by David Karma Choephel.

May the blessings of the exalted sources of refuge,

The Buddha, Dharma and Sangha, the Three Jewels,

And the Lama, Yidam and Protectors, the Three Roots,

Pacify the terrors of illness, famine and war,

And chaos in the elements. The temperatures

Unbalanced, grand snow mountains – hard, firm glaciers –

Will melt and disappear. Rivers and lakes

Becoming scarce, the forests of the ancients

And trees of beauty, too, will near their deaths.

There is a frightful danger the world’s reaches

Will become a great wasteland. May these coming

Dangers be fully pacified, and sublime

Good fortune and happiness spread all round.

May all beings nurture one another lovingly

And kindly, so their joy may fully blossom;

May all their aims be fulfilled, like the Dharma.

The Thrangu Tulku made this prayer

at the request of the scientist John Stanley, a student of the Lord of Refuge Dudjom Rinpoche.

Translated by David Karma Choephel.


We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors

Friends –

I just was sent, by my old pal Terry Halwes, the following link:

It is to a short film, featuring Annie Leonard, on how our consumption is grinding us into the ground. I find it very well made, and I wish very much that more people who make bigger decisions than I do could see it. And I also wish that kids could see it. I think anybody older than 8 will be able to understand it, and that will help the huge turning around that we all have to put our minds to, can not only begin with us, but can catch fire in the lives of the little people who we are turning the planet over to.

This quote went way deep into me:

We do not inherit the world from our ancestors,
we borrow it from our children.

Native American saying

Anyway, please watch this film yourselves, and pass it on to as many people as you think will take it to heart.

Peace –

