Bibliography for Haj Ross and/or John Robert Ross
1. A Partial Grammar of English Superlatives. Unpublished University of Pennsylvania M.A. thesis, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. (1964)
2. (with Thomas G. Bever) “Underlying structures in discourse?†Unpublished paper, MIT, Cambridge, Massachusetts. (1966a)
3. “A proposed rule of tree-pruning.†Progress Report of the Harvard Computation Laboratory to the National Science Foundation, Number 17, October 1966. Republished in same reference as #11, pp. 286-299. (1966b)
4. “A problem which evidence is presented that help is needed to solve.†Progress Report of the Harvard Computation Laboratory to the National Science Foundation, Number 17, October 1966. (1966c)
5. (with George Lakoff) “A criterion for verb-phrase constituency.†Progress Report of the Harvard Computation Laboratory to the National Science Foundation, Number 17, October 1966. Republished and retitled as #55. (1966d)
6. “On the cyclic nature of English pronominalization.†In Festschrift for Roman Jakobson, Mouton and Company, ’s Gravenhage, Holland, pp. 1669-1682. Republished in the reference in #10. pp. 187-200. (1967a)
7. Constraints on Variables in Syntax. M.I.T. doctoral dissertation, Cambridge, Massachusetts, September, 1967. Republished and retitled as #86. (1967b)
8. “Der Ablaut bei den starken Verben im Deutschen.†In Studia Grammatika VII, Akademie Verlag, East Berlin, German Democratic Republic, pp. 47-118. (1968)
9. “Auxiliaries as main verbs.†In William Todd (ed.), Studies in Philosophical Linguistics, Series 1, Great Expectations Press, Carbondale, Illinois, pp. 77-102. (1969a)
10. “Adjectives as noun phrases.†In David A. Reibel and Sanford A. Schane (eds.), Modern Studies in English, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, pp. 352-360. (1969b)
11. “Guess who?†In Robert I. Binnick, Alice Davison, Georgia M. Green, Jerry L. Morgan et. al. (eds.), Proceedings of the Fifth Regional Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society, Chicago Linguistic Society, University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois, pp. 252-286. (1969c)
12. (with George Lakoff) “Comparatives and (n)ever.†Linguistic Inquiry, 1.1, p. 126. (1970a)
13. (with David M. Perlmutter) “A non-source for comparatives.†Linguistic Inquiry, 1.1, p. 127. (1970b)
14. “Two types of idioms.†Linguistic Inquiry, 1.1, p. 144. (1970c)
15. (with Paul M. Postal) “A problem of adverb preposing.†Linguistic Inquiry, 1.1, p. 145. (1970d)
16. “Whether-Deletion.†Linguistic Inquiry, 1.1, p. 146. (1970e)
17. “Chance.†Linguistic Inquiry, 1.2, p. 261. (1970f)
18. (with James Bruce Fraser) “Idioms and Unspecified NP Deletion.†Linguistic Inquiry, 1.2, p. 264. (1970g)
19. (with George Lakoff) “A derived nominal requiring a sentential source.†Linguistic Inquiry, 1.2, p. 265. (1970h)
20. (with George Lakoff) “Two kinds of and.†Linguistic Inquiry, 1.2,
p. 271. (1970i)
21. “Metalinguistic anaphora.†Linguistic Inquiry, 1.2, p. 273. (1970j)
22. (with David M. Perlmutter) “Relative clauses with split antecedents.†Linguistic Inquiry, 1.3, p. 350. (1970k)
23. “A note on implicit comparatives.†Linguistic Inquiry, 1.3, p. 363-366. (1970l)
24. “On declarative sentences.†In Roderick A.Jacobs and Peter S. Rosenbaum (eds.), Readings in English Transformational Grammar, Blaisdell Publishing Company, Waltham, Massachusetts, pp. 222-272, (1971). Republished in Donna Jo Napoli and Emily Norwood Rando (eds.), Syntactic Argumentation, Georgetown University Press, Washington, D.C., pp. 30-90, (1979).
25. “Gapping and the order of constituents.†In Manfred Bierwisch and Karl-Erich Heidolph (eds.), Progress in Linguistics, Mouton and Company, ’s Gravenhage, Holland, pp. 249-259. (1971b)
26. (with Paul M. Postal) “¡Tough-Movement Si, Tough-Deletion No!†Linguistic Inquiry, 2.4, pp. 544-546. (1971c)
27. “Mirror-image rules and VSO order.†Linguistic Inquiry, 2.4, pp. 569-572. (1971d)
28. “The superficial nature of anaphoric island constraints.†Linguistic Inquiry, 2.4, pp. 599-600. (1971e)
29. “Doubl-ing.†Linguistic Inquiry, 3.1, pp. 61-86. (1972a)
30. (with George Lakoff) “A note on anaphoric islands and causatives.†Linguistic Inquiry, 3.1, pp. 121-125. (1972b)
31. “Act.†In Donald Davidson and Gilbert Harman (eds.), Semantics of Natural Languages, D. Reidel and Company, Dordrecht, Holland, pp. 70-126. (1972c)
32. “A reanalysis of English word stress.†In Michael Brame (ed.), Contributions to Generative Phonology, University of Texas Press, Austin, Texas, pp. 229-323. (1972d)
33. “Squishing.†Canadian Journal of Linguistics, 17.2, pp. 180-184, (1972). Republished in Edward Burstinsky (ed.), Festschrift for Martin Joos, University of Toronto Press, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. (1972e)
34. “The category squish: Endstation Hauptwort.†In Paul M. Peranteau, Judith N. Levi, Gloria C. Phares, et. al. (eds.), Proceedings of the Eighth Regional Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society, Chicago Linguistic Society, University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois, pp. 316-338. (1972f)
35. “Alphabet soups and name-calling.†Foundations of Language 9, p. 113. (1972g)
36. “Parentage.†Foundations of Language 9, (1972h)
37. “More on begin.†Foundations of Language 9, pp. 574-577. (1972i)
38. “Leftward Ho!†Language Research Report Number 3, Language Research Foundation, Cambridge, Massachusetts, pp.12-28 (1971). Republished in Stephen R. Anderson and R. Paul V. Kiparsky (eds.), Festschrift for Morris Halle, Holt, Rinehart, and Winston, Inc., New York, New York, pp. 166-173. (1973a)
39. “Slifting.†In Maurice Gross and Marcel Schützenberger (eds), The
Formal Analysis of Natural Languages, Mouton and Company,
’s Gravenhage, Holland, pp. 133-172. (1973b)
40. “On edge, in part.†Foundations of Language 10, p. 329. (1973c)
41. “Q-binding and conjunctive questions.†Foundations of Language 10, pp. 331-332. (1973d)
42. “The same side filter.†In Claudia Corum et. al. (eds.), Proceedings of the Ninth Regional Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society, Chicago Linguistic Society, University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois, pp. 549-559. (1973e)
43. “The Penthouse Principle and the order of constituents.†In Claudia Corum et. al. (eds.), You Take the High Node and I’ll Take the Low Node, Chicago Linguistic Society, University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois, pp. 397-422. (1973f)
44. “A fake NP squish.†In Charles-James Bailey and Roger Shuy (eds.), New Ways of Analyzing Variation in English, Georgetown University Press, Washington, D.C., pp. 96-140 (1973g)
45. “Nouniness.†In Osamu Fujimura (ed.), Three Dimensions of Linguistic Theory, The TEC Corporation, Tokyo, Japan, pp. 137-257 (1973h)
46. “Some cyclically ordered transformations in German syntax.†In Johannes Bechert et. al. (eds.), Papiere zur Linguistik 7, Scriptor Verlag, Kronberg, German Federal Republic, pp. 50-79. (1974a)
47. “More on -er- globality.†Foundations of Language 12, pp. 269-270. (1974b)
48. “Three batons for cognitive psychology.†In David Palermo and Walter Weimer (eds.), Cognition and the Symbolic Processes, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Hillsdale, New Jersey, pp. 63-124, (1974c)
49. “There, there, (there, (there,…)).†In Michael LaGaly, Robert Fox, Anthony Bruck, et. al. (eds.), Proceedings of the Tenth Regional Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society, Chicago Linguistic Society, University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois, pp. 569-587. (1974c)
50. “Where to do things with words.†In Peter Cole and Jerry L. Morgan (eds.), Syntax and Semantics III: Speech Acts, Academic Press, New York, New York, pp. 233-256. (1975a)
51. “Parallels in phonological and semantactic organization.†In James F. Kavanagh and James E. Cutting (eds.), The Role of Speech in Language, MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, pp. 283-304. (1975b)
52. (with William E. Cooper) “World order.†In Robin E. Grossman et. al. (eds.), Papers from the Parasession on Functionalism, Chicago Linguistic Society, University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois, pp. 63-111. (1975c)
53. “To have have and to not have have.†In M. Jazayery, Edgar Polomé and Werner Winter (eds.), Linguistic and Literary Studies in Honor of Archibald Hill, de Ridder, Lisse, Holland, pp. 263-270. (1976a)
54. “Clausematiness.†In Edward Keenan (ed.), Formal Semantics of Natural Languages, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, England. (1976b)
55. (with George Lakoff) “Why you can’t do so into the sink.†In James D. McCawley (ed.), Syntax and Semantics VII: Notes from the Linguistic Underground, Academic Press, New York, New York, pp. 101-111. (1977a)
56. (with George Lakoff) “Is deep structure necessary?†In James D. McCawley (ed.), Syntax and Semantics VII: Notes from the Linguistic Underground, Academic Press, New York, New York, pp. 159-164. (1977b)
57. “Guess.†In Samuel E. Fox, Woodford H. Beach, and Shulamith Philosoph (eds.), Proceedings of the Thirteenth Regional Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society, Chicago Linguistic Society, University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois, pp. 215-244. (1977c)
58. “Remnants.†Studies in Language, 1.1, pp. 127-135. (1977d)
59. (with George Lakoff) “Squib I, Squib II and Squib VI.†In Samuel E. Fox, Woodford H. Beach, and Shulamith Philosoph (eds.), The Chicago Linguistic Society Book of Squibs, Chicago Linguistic Society, University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois, pp. 2-6. (1977e)
60. “Goodbye to whom, hello who to.†In Samuel E. Fox, Woodford H. Beach, and Shulamith Philosoph (eds.), The Chicago Linguistic Society Book of Squibs, Chicago Linguistic Society, University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois, pp. 88-90. (1977f)
61. (with William E. Cooper) “Like syntax.†In William E. Cooper and Edward C. T. Walker (eds.), Sentence Processing: Psycholinguistic Studies Presented to Merrill Garrett, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Hillsdale, New Jersey, pp. 343-418. (1979a)
62. “Where’s English?†In Charles Fillmore and William S.-Y. Wang(eds.), Individual Differences in Language Ability and Language Behavior, Academic Press, New York, New York, pp. 127-163. (1979b)
63. “Wem der Kasus schlägt.†Linguistische Berichte, No. 63, pp. 26-32. (1979c)
64. “Summer.†In Donna Jo Napoli and Emily Norwood Rando (eds.) Linguistic Muse, Linguistic Research Incorporated, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, p. 75. (1979d)
65. “When the be’s go, the frost comes.†In George Bedell, Eichi Kobayashi, and Masatake Muraki (eds.), Explorations in Linguistics: Papers in Honor of Kazuko Inoue, Kenkyusha, Tokyo, Japan, pp. 464-470. (1980a)
66. “No negatives in than-clauses, more often than not.†Studies in Language, 4.1. (1980b)
67. “Why I don’t invert in why-questions, Mommy and Daddy?†In Henrietta Cedergren and Gillian Sankoff (eds.), Proceedings of New Ways of Analyzing Variation in English VIII: Recherches Linguistiques à Montreal. (1980c)
68. “Here now!†Studies in Language, 5.1, pp. 287-292. (1980d)
69. “Mannerly.†Australian Journal of Linguistics, 1.1, pp. 113-116. (1981a)
70. (with James Bruce Fraser) “Untitled No. 14.†Studies in Language, 5.2, pp. 269-271. (1981b)
71. “Idioms(?) and contrastive stress.†Studies in Language, 5.2, pp. 273-277. (1981c)
72. “Robert Frost’s ‘Out, Out – ’ : : A way in.†In Wolfgang Klein and Willem J.M. Levelt (eds.), Crossing the Boundaries in Linguistics, D. Reidel Publishing Company, Dordrecht, Holland, pp. 265-282. (1981d)
73. “The sound of meaning.†In Linguistics in the Morning Calm, edited by
the Linguistic Society of Korea, Hanshin Publishing Company,
Seoul, Korea, pp. 275-290. (1982a)
74. “Hologramming in a Robert Frost poem: the still point.†In Linguistics in the Morning Calm, edited by the Linguistic Society of Korea, Hanshin Publishing Company, Seoul, Korea, pp. 685-691. (1982b)
75. “Poems as holograms.†Poetics Journal, Number 2, pp. 3-11. (1982c)
76. “Human linguistics.†In Heidi Byrnes (ed.), Georgetown University Round Table on Languages and Linguistics 1982. Contemporary Perceptions of Language: Interdisciplinary Dimensions, Georgetown University Press, Georgetown, Washington, D.C., pp. 1-30. (1982d)
77. “Human linguistics.“ Forum Linguisticum, 7.3, pp. 211-230. (1983a)
78. Eight poems [“A Massachusetts Institute of Technology,†“Last Crop,†“It’s Hard Being Friends,†“Me Fire†“In a Sunset of My Life,†“Deer,†“Spätblüte,†and “Languagestundeâ€]. In Emily Norwood Rando and Donna Jo Napoli (eds.), Meliglossa, Linguistic Research Incorporated, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, pp. 140-147 (1983b)
79. “Speaking the unspeakable.†In Jennifer Leaning and Langley C. Keyes (eds.), The Counterfeit Ark: Crisis Relocation for Nuclear War, Ballinger Publishing Company, Cambridge, Massachusetts, pp. 48-53. (1984a)
80. “Inner islands.†In Claudia Brugman and Monica Macauley et al. (eds.) Proceedings of the Tenth Annual Meeting of the Berkeley Linguistics Society, Berkeley Linguistics Society, University of California, Berkeley (1984b), pp. 258 – ¬265.
81. “A hierarchy in conceptual space.†In Adam Makkai and Alan K. Melby (eds.), Linguistics and Philosophy: Essays in Honor of Rulon S. Wells, John Benjamins Publishing Company, Amsterdam, pp. 45-54. (1985a)
82. “Poems as holograms.†In Thomas T. Ballmer and Roland Posner (eds.), Nach-Chomskysche Linguistik: Neuere Arbeiten von Berliner Linguisten, Walter de Gruyter, West Berlin, pp. 433-443. [A republication of #74] (1985b)
83. “The source of verbal music in poetry.†In Language and Literature: Proceedings of the Fifth National Symposium on English Language Teaching in Egypt, Centre for Development of English Language Teaching, Ain Shams University, Cairo, pp. 23-36. (1986a)
84. “Poems as holograms.†In Peter C. Bjarkman and Viktor Raskin (eds.), The Real-World Linguist: Applications in the 1980’s, Ablex Publishing Company, Norwood, New Jersey. [A republication of #74] (1986b)
85. “Languages as poems.†In Deborah Tannen (ed.), Georgetown University Round Table on Languages and Linguistics 1985: Languages and Linguistics – The Interdependence of Theory, Data, and Application, Georgetown University Press, Georgetown, Washington, D.C., pp. 180-204. (1986c)
86. Infinite Syntax! Ablex Publishing Company, Norwood, New Jersey. [A republication of #8] (1986d)
87. “Islands and syntactic prototypes.†In Anna Bosch, Barbara Need, and Eric Schiller et al. (eds.), Proceedings of the Twenty -Third Regional Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society, Chicago Linguistic Society, University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois. pp. 309-320 (1987)
88. (with Bruce Fraser and Polly Ulichny) “Repeat performances.†Journal of Pragmatics, 1.3, pp. 651-653 (1989a)
89. “The boy whose feet were pricked by these pine needles.†In Donna Jo Napoli and Emily Norwood Rando (eds.), Lingua Franca, Jupiter Press, Lake Bluff, Illinois, p 131. (1989b)
90. “The curve of love.†In Kimihiro Yoshimura et. al. (eds.), Linguistic Fiesta – Festschrift for Professor Hisao Kakehi’s Sixtieth Birthday, Kuroshio Publishers, Tokyo, pp. 151-182. (1990)
91. “What’s the use?†Unpublished paper, Departamento de LingüÃstica, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brasil. (1990a)
92. “Towards a ¬¬¬¬¬¬________ linguistics.†Unpublished paper, Departamento de LingüÃstica, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brasil. (1990b)
93. “FOG
FOG.†In Robert Hoffman and David Palermo (eds.), Cognition and the Symbolic Processes – Applied and Ecological Perspectives, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc., Hillsdale, New Jersey, pp. 187 – 205 (1991).
94. “A circle of friends.†Unpublished paper, Departamento de LingüÃstica, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brasil. (1991b)
95. “Verbiness and the size of niches in the English auxiliary.†In Carol Georgopoulos and Roberta Ishihara (eds.), Interdisciplinary Approaches to Language: Essays in Honor of S.-Y. Kuroda. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp. 459-499. (1991c)
96. The Boy and The River. (English translation of O Menino e o Rio, by Angelo Machado, Editora Lê, Belo Horizonte). Unpublished manuscript, Departamento de LingüÃstica, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brasil. (1992a)
97. (with Rosália Dutra) “Because it is there.†Unpublished paper, Departamento de LingüÃstica, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brasil. (1992b)
98. “The worm of Ouroboros.†Unpublished paper, Department of English Language and Literature, National University of Singapore, Singapore. (1992d)
99. “Our December.†In Dale Koike and Donaldo Macedo (eds.), Romance Linguistics – The Portuguese Context, Bergin and Garvey, Westport, Connecticut, pp. 161-193. (1992e)
100. “Paths, points, and proforms.†Unpublished paper, Department of English Language and Literature, National University of Singapore, Singapore. (1993)
101. “Two from’s?†In Susanne Gahl, Andy Dolbey, and Christopher Johnson (eds.), Proceedings of the Twentieth Annual Meeting of the Berkeley Linguistics Society, Berkeley Linguistics Society, University of California, Berkeley, pp.447-460. (1994)
102. “Conversation with John Robert Ross.†In Geoffrey Huck and John A. Goldsmith, Ideology and Linguistic Theory – Noam Chomsky and the Deep Structure Debates, Routledge, London and New York, pp. 120-125. (1995a)
103. “Defective noun phrases.†In Audra Dainora, Rachel Hemphill, Barbara Lukas, Barbara Need and Sheri Pargman (eds.) (eds.), Proceedings of the Thirty-First Regional Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society, Chicago Linguistic Society, University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois, pp. 398-440. (1995b)
104. “A first crosslinguistic look at paths – the difference between end-legs and medial ones.†In Lynn Eubank, Larry Selinker and Michael Sharwood Smith (eds.) The Current State of Interlanguage Studies in Honor of William E. Rutherford, John Benjamins, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, pp. 273-285. (1995c)
105. “Network learning.†Diversity, Volume 3, Summer 1995, pp. 27-38 (1995d)
106. “The fat PP constraint.†Unpublished paper, English Department, University of North Texas. (1996)
107. “There, there: strong and weak path-linked proforms.†In Kora Singer, Randall Eggert, and Gregory Anderson (eds.), Proceedings of the Thirty-Third Regional Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society, Chicago Linguistic Society, University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois, pp. 351-363. (1997)
108. “Beauty – how Hopkins pied it.†Language Sciences 21, pp. 237-250 (1999a)
109. “For Jim.†(poem) Glot International, Volume 4, Issue 5, May 1999, p. 16
110. “Syntactic symbiosis.†In Sabrina J. Billings, John Boyle and Aaron M. Griffith (eds.), Proceedings of the Thirty-Fifth Regional Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society, Chicago Linguistic Society, University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois, pp. 293-308. (1999c)
111. “May nouns and verbs interbe.†In Ralph Fasold, Peg Griffin, Joy Kreeft Peyton and Walt Wolfram (eds.), Language in Action: New Studies of Language in Society, Hampton Press, Cresskill, New Jersey, pp. 177-186 (2000a)
112. “Because it is not there. †In Denis Le Pesant D. and M. Mathieu-Colas (eds.), Syntaxe, sémantique et lexique. Mélanges offerts à Gaston Gross à l’occasion de son soixantième anniversaire. Buvet P.-A., Bulletin de Linguistique Appliquée et Générale de l’Université de Franche-Comté, special issue, Université de Besançon, Besançon, France, pp. 257-271.(2000b)
113. “The taoing of a sound – phonetic drama in William Blake’s The Tyger.†In Patrizia Violi (ed.), Phonosymbolism and Poetic Language, Brepols, Turnhout, Belgium, pp. 99-145. (2000c)
114. “The frozenness of pseudoclefts – towards an inequality-based syntax.†In Arika Okrent and John P. Boyle (eds.), Proceedings of the Thirty-Sixth Regional Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society, Chicago Linguistic Society, University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois, pp. 385-426. (2000d)
115. “Inversion and coreference in pseudoclefts.†In Proceedings of the Thirty-Seventh Regional Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society. (eds) Mary Andronis, Christopher Ball, Heidi Elston and Sylvain Neuvel. Chicago Linguistic Society, University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois. 481-499. (2001)
116. “The Man of All Tribes.†(poem) Linguistic Typology 6.2 p.137 (2002)
117. “An Omnilingual Demonstration.†(poem) In Mary Ruth Wise and Tom Headland (eds.) Language and Life:Essays in Memory of Kenneth L. Pike. SIL International and the University of Texas at Arlington, pp. xi-xii (2003)
118. “The syntax of emphasis – a base camp.†In Lexique, Syntaxe et Lexique-Grammaire (Syntax, Lexis & Lexicon-Grammar): Hommage à Maurice Gross. Christian Leclère, Eric Laporte, Mireille Piot et Max Silberztein (eds.). Amsterdam/ Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company, pp. 547-559 (2004a)
119. “Siamese sentences – a first look at a parallel construction.†In Proceedings of the Thirty-Eighth Regional Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society. Mary Andronis, Erin Debenport, Anne Pycha, and Keiko Yoshimura (eds). Chicago Linguistic Society, University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois. pp. 569-584. (2004b)
120. “Nouniness.†In Bas Aarts, David Denison, Evelien Keizer and Gergana Popova (eds.) Fuzzy Grammar: A Reader. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 351-422. [A republication of #45] (2004c)
121. “Far†(poem) 32 Poems, Volume 3, Number 1, Spring / Summer 2005, p. 21
122. “Guess Who?†In Robert Freidin and Howard Lasnik (eds.) Syntax:
Critical Concepts in Linguistics, Volumes 1-6. Routledge: London and New York, Volume III, Part 8, pp. 231-260 [A republication of #11] (2006a)
123. “Excerpts from Constraints on Variables in Syntax.†In Robert Freidin and Howard Lasnik (eds.) Syntax Critical Concepts in Linguistics, Volumes 1-6. Routledge: London and New York, Volume IV, Part 9, pp. 17-46 [A republication of #47] (2006b)
124. “The art of fusion,†in Kristin Hanson and Sharon Inkelas (eds.) The Nature of the Word: Studies in Honor of Paul Kiparsky. MIT Press (2009)
125. “Structural prosody.†Cognitive Semiotics #2 (Spring 2008) pp. 65-82.
126. (with Paul Postal) “Inverse reflexives.†In William D. Lewis, Simin Karimi, Heidi Harley and Scott O. Farrar (eds.) Time and Again: Theoretical Perspectives on Formal Linguistics – In Honor of D. Terence Langendoen. Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins. pp. 5-36, (2009).
127. Here Dwell Tygers (in preparation)