Mozart – some of his words

. . . . Beethoven, Berlioz, Mozart and Wagner are among the noted composers who have experienced these automatisms, or self-creating compositions. In some cases the simple recording of such autonomous and given imagery is the method of composition. E. T. A. Hoffman, for example, often remarked to his friends, “When I compose I sit down at the piano, shut my eyes and play what I hear.” And Mozart remarked of his compositions: “Whence and how do they come? I do not know and have nothing to do with it.” He noted some very interesting alterations of time and imagery that occurred in these states:

All this fires my soul, and, provided I am not disturbed, my subject enlarges itself, becomes methodised and defined, and the whole, though it be long, stands almost complete and finished in my mind, so that I can survey it, like a fine picture or a beautiful statue, at a glance. Nor do I hear in my imagination the parts successively, but I hear them, as it were, all at once (gleich alles zusammen). What a delight this is I cannot tell! All this inventing, this producing, takes place in a pleasing lively dream. Still the actual hearing of the tout ensemble is after all the best. What has been thus produced I do not easily forget, and this is perhaps the best gift I have my Divine Maker to thank for . . . . For this reason the committing to paper is done easily enough, for everything is, as I have said before, already finished; and it rarely differs on paper from what it was in my imagination. At this occupation I can therefore suffer myself to be disturbed; for whatever may be going on around me, I write, and even talk, but only of fowls and geese, or of Greta and Barbel, or some such matters. But why my productions take from my hand that particular form and style that makes them Mozartish, and different from the work of other composers, is probably owing to the same cause which renders my nose so large or so aquiline, or in short, makes it Mozart’s, and different from those of other people. For I really do not study or aim at any originality.14

From Jean Houston, The Possible Human,
J. P. Tarcher, Los Angeles (1982), p. 161.

“People make a mistake who think
that my art has come easily to me.
Nobody has devoted so much time
and thought to composition as I. There
is not a famous master whose music
I have not studied over and over.

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

“You know that I become quite
powerless whenever I am obliged to write
for an instrument which I cannot bear.”



“A man of ordinary talent will always be ordinary, whether he travels or not; but a man of superior talent… will go to pieces if he remains for ever in the same place.”



„Das Notwendigste, das härteste und die Hauptsache in der Musik ist das Tempo.“

“The most necessary, the hardest, and the main thing in music is the tempo.”

„Der Geschmack des Todes ist auf meiner Zunge. Ich fühle etwas, das nicht von dieser Welt ist.“

“The taste of death is on my tongue. I feel something that is not of this world.”


“Heute kann ich nichts als weinen – Ich habe gar ein zu empfindsames Herz”

“Today all I can do is cry – I have a heart that is far too sensitive.”


»Ich kann nicht poetisch schreiben, ich bin kein Dichter. Ich kann durchs Deuten und Pantomime meine Gesinnungen und Gedanken nicht ausdrücken. Ich kann es aber durch Töne; ich bin ein Musikus«, sagte Mozart einmal. Das war ein Glück für die Menschheit.

“I cannot write poetically, I am no poet. My attitude and thoughts I can-not express through interpreting and pantomime. But I can through tones – I am a musician,” Mozart once said. That was a stroke of luck for humanity.



The bucket of bricks

I am a general contractor and heard this story from an insurance investigator:
A bricklayer working on a three-story-tall chimney had set up a pulley system so that his helper could raise the bricks up to where he needed them. As he was working, his helper complained about how difficult it would be to get the last of the bricks up to the flat roof of the building. Just then another contractor had some material delivered and it was placed on the roof by a fork lift brought to unload it. The bricklayer asked if the driver would load the rest of the bricks up there as well and the driver agreed. The bricklayer realized that he would not need his helper any more and sent him home.
When the bricklayer completed the chimney he noticed that he had quite a few bricks left over and that the fork lift was no longer at the jobsite. Now he had to figure out how to get the leftover bricks back down by himself. If he dropped them, they would surely break. So he decided to use the pulley he had set up earlier to lower them down.
First he went down to the ground and raised a large metal bucket up to the roof level using the rope and pulley. Next, he tied the rope off onto a railing and climbed back up to the roof and loaded the bricks into the bucket. Then he went back down to the ground. He knew that the bricks would be heavy, so he wrapped the rope around his hand a couple of times and then untied the end of the rope with his other hand. Well, the bricks were heavier than he imagined and with physics being as it is, he was immediately launched upwards at a high rate of speed.
As he was racing up towards the roof he encountered the bucket full of bricks coming down at an equally fast rate. He collided with the bucket and broke his nose and his shoulder. The bucket passed him by as he sped upwards. He reached the pulley just before the bucket hit the ground and broke a few of his fingers as they were pulled into the pulley. When the bucket hit the ground, its bottom fell out and all of the bricks spilled onto the ground. Now the fun reversed. As the now light bucket sped upwards, the mason took a shot to the groin when one of his legs slipped into the empty bucket.
He then tilted enough to fall out of the bucket and continued with his gravity experiment. Eventually he landed on top of the pile of bricks and broke both feet. He collapsed in pain there on the bricks, but was glad to be alive. He let go off the rope and cried out for help.
It was then that the bucket hit him in the head and fractured his skull.

Analysis: This is quite an old story, reckoned by folklorists to date back at least 70 years. It’s a comedy staple, in fact, having turned up in numerous recordings, radio shows, movies and novels since the 1930s. It was published as a “True Fact” by National Lampoon in 1986, when it also happened to be circulating as office faxlore. More recently it has been sighted on email joke lists and Websites.


Resetting the Password

â–ª “Sorry, your password has been in use for 30 days and has expired – you must register a new one.”
â–ª roses
â–ª “Sorry, too few characters.”
â–ª pretty roses
â–ª “Sorry, you must use at least one numerical character.”
â–ª 1 pretty rose
â–ª “Sorry, you cannot use blank spaces.”
â–ª 1prettyrose
â–ª “Sorry, you must use at least 10 different characters.”
â–ª 1fuckingprettyrose
â–ª “Sorry, you must use at least one upper-case character.”
â–ª 1FUCKINGprettyrose
â–ª “Sorry, you cannot use more than one upper case character consecutively.”
â–ª 1FuckingPrettyRose
â–ª “Sorry, you must use no fewer than 20 total characters.”
â–ª 1FuckingPrettyRoseShovedUpYourAssIfYouDon’tGiveMeAccessRightFuckingNow.
â–ª “Sorry, you cannot use punctuation.”
â–ª 1FuckingPrettyRoseShovedUpYourAssIfYouDontGiveMeAccessRightFuckingNow
“Sorry, that password is already in use.”

A present from Dan Ross
Oct 14, 2013


Bernie Sanders on the shutdown of our government

Friends –

Many of you will know of Bernie Sanders and his record. We are lucky to have such a person in our Senate. I am pasting in a recent letter that I received from him, and a link to an interview.

If you agree with what he says, it is important to act quickly and decisively. The shutdown has already hurt our country (People are joking about us) – but jokes are nothing compared to what our not being to pay our debts might mean. The recession has not stopped hurting millions of people all over the world. What might happen if we default on our debts may be far worse.

Please pass this around, and do everything you can to get us back on track.

Thank you, and peace –


Dear Haj,

It is not acceptable that a handful of right-wing extremists in the House have shut down the government and are now pushing for the United States, for the first time in our history, to not pay its bills — precipitating a likely international financial crisis. It is widely believed that there now exists in the House a majority of members (virtually all Democrats and some moderate Republicans) who are prepared to vote for a clean continuing budget resolution which would immediately re-open the government. House Speaker Boehner must allow the House to have that vote.

It is also important that people understand that the real issue here is not just the desire of Republicans to defund Obamacare. At a time when the middle class is collapsing and poverty is increasing, these right-wing ideologues want to repeal virtually every piece of legislation passed in the last 80 years which protects the elderly, the children, the sick, the poor and the environment. The truth is that ending Obamacare is just a small part of the right-wing extremist agenda, which is heavily funded by the Koch brothers and other very wealthy and powerful special interests. Their full agenda includes privatizing Social Security, ending Medicare as we know it, slashing Medicaid funding, eliminating the EPA and the Department of Energy and abolishing the concept of the minimum wage. Needless to say, they also want more tax breaks for the rich and large corporations. It should be clear to everyone that their long-term goal is to move this country into an oligarchic form of society in which billionaires completely control the economic and political life of this nation.

A recent interview I gave on MSNBC deals with some of these issues.


Squibs from 1996

Hi frienda –

I have just added to my profile the way to read some of my papers: put in Google

haj papers

That will take you to a page where you will find around 50 papers on poetics, syntax, semantics and deep learning.

But if you would like to try to unravel any one of several thousand linguistic mysteries, mostly syntactic or semantic ones, then go directly to

Squibnet is at:

where you will find a whole buncha squibs (puzzles, riddles, baffling linguistic facts, which cry out for some smart person to disentangle them.
I hope you are such a person.

May you have more fun than a barrel of otters.

Peace –


P. S. If you solve some uvm, lemme know:

S Q U I B S f r o m 1 9 9 6
It { ?has been / is / *was } in France { that we have lived / that we have been living }.
Where we have { been living / *lived } has been in France.
Es { war in Berlin / *ist in Berlin gewesen }, dass wir uns kennengelernt haben. [Ger. ‘It was in Berlin that we met.’]
[Haj] 11jul1996
It’s not that “be” can’t be a compound tense:
OK: Vai ser a LA que a gente vai morar.
It will be in LA that we will work.
With imperfect, only “era”
{ Era / *E } em LA que trabal hava.
It has been X S- [yin-yang] wh S- has been X
Only when the main V (?) in S- is “have been V-ing.”
[No title.]
*Ça a été Max. [Fr. ‘That was Max.’]
Wo er wohnte { war in LA / *ist in LA gewesen }. [Ger. ‘Where he lived was in LA.’]
[No title.]
observe z / ?s
observation z / s
observant z / *s
exhume gz / *ks
exhaust gz / *ks
exhale *gz / ks
Pres. | Pres.
What happens { *was / is / *will be } that he { *went / goes / *will go } home.
[“will go”]–OK if = ‘insists on.’
Past | Pres./Past
What happened { was / is / *will be } that he { went / *goes / **will go } home.
[“goes”]–maybe OK if historical present.
Fut. | Pres./Fut.
What will happen { *was / is / will be } that he { *went / ?*goes / will go } home.
It must be that it is on Saturday that he { goes / went }.
It { may / might / must / could } be that S.
What must happen is for him to leave.
What is the restriction?
What I have { been believing / *believed } that he { was eating / eats / ?ate } has been eggs.
What I have { *told them that / been telling them that } you are reading has been _Time_.
What he seems to have been telling them that he { reads / is reading / *read } has ben _Time_.
So: there must be a higher “have been V-ing”; there can’t be an intervening past?
What I have been believing that you { ?knew that he reads / know that he reads / *had found out that he reads } has been _Time_.
What gives us now this moment
and gave the one before
is bottomless as air
behind a door another door
Baie St Paul
The place { ?to which / where / that } we went was desolate.
Toni left from the place { to which / where / *(*that) } we went. [sic]
The day { on which / when ≥ / ??that } I arrived was a long one.
Terry left (on) the day { *on which ≤ / ?when / (that) } I arrived.
This suggests, does it not:
A. The modifier of a purebred requires a relative pronoun which indicates that the target NP was worthy of subordinating itself to so lofty a one–nothing scuzzy like an immolated preposition or missing relative pronoun.
The day { which / ?*__ } Thursday precedes is popular in offices.
B. Probably a lot more stuff too.
Rosalia: “A lot of fog tonight.”
Haj: “Sure is.”
In order to make this baby work, we need:
1. Subject Deletion (OPT)
(for stuff like “sings loud.”) Condition: subject is coreferential pro [?] or some expletive:
a lot of muggings
raining a lot
??possible that will be
2. Auxiliary Cleanup (OBL)
Hey! This is another reason for SOME feature like [ +Aux ]…but
*shave himself poorly every day
(so Tns won’t zap)
(*is) singing loud tonight
(*has) written a lot of good stuff recently
(*will) do just fine
why OK:
(might) have been cleaning up
been cleaning up
*Sure might
3. Across-turn deletions
4. Wild: these [3] have to have access to earlier stages of derivations.
“SURE” TAGS & NEG, p. 2
Not many flies.[–]Sure aren’t.
Few flies.[–]Sure { *are / *aren’t }.
No stars.[–]Sure { aren’t / *are }.
[Haj] 7:12am
More is required: VP Deletion is, for all practical, and no theoretical, reasons, OBL.
A lot of mist.[–]Sure is ({ ?a lot / ??a lot of it / *a lot of mist }).
OK: Sure IS a lot of mist.
Which is like:
A: “Barbara is a real Marxist.”
B: “Sure DOES read a lot of Leninist stuff.”
“SURE” TAGS & “VP” DEL, p. 3
Thus “sure”-tags provide a test for VP Del.–they show that all of these processes are the same:
Max is singing. Sure is (*singing).
Max likes grout. Sure { does / *likes it }.
Max is a sweetheart. Sure is (?*one).
There are nuts in LA. Sure are { ?some there / ?*in LA / some }.
What actually is OBL? How much VP has to go?
Tex might have been being set up. Some might (have (been (*being (*set up)))).
So: the minimal VP (the VP which contains no smaller VP) must go. Hm. Causatives? Complements?
Max seems to want to leave. Sure does (seem to (?want to (*leave))).
I { don’t think / ?*doubt that } he is rich. Sure isn’t.
Max claims to have gone to LA. Sure { did / has }.
This [“have gone”] is ambig.
Max plans to go to LA. *Sure will.
Thoughts after talking with Margot [?]
Gestern { war Hans in Berlin / ??ist Hans in Berlin gewesen }. [Ger. ‘Yesterday H. was in B.’]
Hier Jean { était / ?a été } dans l’hôtel. [Fr. ‘Yesterday J. was in the hotel.’]
Yesterday Tom { was / *has been } in Berlin.
So are (pseudo)clefts bad with perfects for this reason? They don’t like points?
I { was / have been } happy all day.
Ich { war den ganzen Tag glücklich / *bin den ganzen Tag glücklich gewesen }.
Paul suggests: NPs are always islands, so their failure to be pierced by “squat” is expectable. But:
I didn’t take (*any) pictures of squat.
It’s not that preceding “any”s zap “squat”:
I didn’t give anyone squat.
B.t.w. “picture of X” is an NP:
Pictures of X were taken.
In 1994, it was beans that I ate { in March / [1]*in 1995 / [2]*that year }.
[on 1] how stopped?
[on 2] Gurk
Often it is Bill who seldom swims.
[ Much about calculus ] is { known / *fondled }.
Gurk! This [bracketed portion] must be an NP–and only in NPs of V which take “about + NP” can there be “about + NP” modifiers.
What is giving?
{ Though / Since / *If } he sure cooks well
1 “sure” per assertion:
He sure is sick and she sure is well.
Tom, who sure eats a lot, sure likes cheese.
“Sure” only goes in assertions. [ +presupposed ]?–non-emotive factives.
*I’m surprised that he sure went.
*I don’t think that he sure is nice.
I { think / said / knew / *doubt(ed) / *hope } that Fatty sure was [?].
Why bad?
*Tom claims that he sure is sick.
People who (*sure) were sorry left.
The men *(,) who sure were drunk *(,) burped.
??Tony didn’t realize that Zeb sure was pissed off.
People who { think / say / know / *hope } that he sure is sick left.
Neg. usually Zaps it:
Tom will (*not) say that she sure was sick.
{ Into THIS lake / Into the lake } he (sure) poured a lot of oil.
How beautifully he (*sure) drives!
In France he (sure) drank.
Into the lake he (*sure) drove.
Carefully he (*sure) cut the cheese.
The lake he (sure) dove into.
* in CQs:
It’s odd where he (*sure) fishes.
What he sure likes is pizza.
Can’t be in islands?
That he (sure) is tall was { reported widely / mentioned by Greta }.
~ [diamond] [there are] other AdvSent:
{ ??Certainly / *Perhaps / ?*Allegedly } he sure was hungry.
??What he likes sure is pizza.
It sure was Mary who kissed me.
Serena is sure *(working hard).
What is stopping VP0 here? Same with the others:
Maximilian is likely *(hard of hearing).
Dennis has perhaps *(gone to bed).
Frederike will certainly *(give you a hand).
Toni has { too / ??also }
Ted { certainly has / *has certainly }.
APi -> Ø / APi … { be __ / *seems __ / *grow __ / *became __ }.
Tom became richer than Mike is.
Mike is richer than Tom became.
It’s two rules. In coordinate structures, much more goes:
I saw many people stand up but I didn’t see many animals ??(stand up).
but not
The boy who had seen many people stand up did not see many animals *(stand up).
P always (?) delete when their object is zeroed:
I approved (*of).
Possible exceptions:
Kommst du mit (uns)? [Ger. ‘Are you coming with (us)?’]
Der nahm eine Pistole mit (sich). [‘He took a pistol along.’]
But particles must stay (if in fact [there are] DOs of V + Part that can be zeroed…):
Tom kept *(on) Ø.
I { *kept / *got / *avoided / *liked / *enjoyed }.
*agree (to) Ø
Why OK?
Max wants to leave–stop him from { leaving / *Ø }.
Rule: include as many [ V, +Aux ] as possible.
Max seems to have written a sonata & John seems to { have __ too / Ø __ Ø }.
They are selective islands! This explains (no you jerk it doesn’t): ?(16) & *(2)
(1) the cars { (a) of which the pictures came out clear / (b) ?which the pictures of came out clear }
*the cars of which I doubt that he bought pictures.
Hey! Maybe “on top of X, inside of X” etc. as SIs!
*The car of which I put the bolts { on top / inside }.
Thus! The crumminess of
What did you put mice inside *(of)?
is due to a derivational constraint: once a PP always a PP! This is also what explains the weird behavior of “out (through).”
What did he go out *(through)?
the door through which we { went out / *didn’t go out }.
Why bad?
*How many m.p.h. a drive did they take?
The fronter the shittier:
We drove 20 m.p.h. (?from LA to SF).
We drove __ from LA to SF at 20 m.p.h.
a 20-m.p.h. LA to SF drive
a[n] LA to SF { *at 20 m.p.h. / *20 m.p.h. } drive
So: mirror order, and eat P to [?]
So look: nothing { “incorporates” / preposes } if it’s prepositioned:
*(in) Miami weather
the (*on) Friday party
the 20-day wait.
[No title.]
a 20-ft-long cobra
How long a cobra did you see?
Why out?
*How many feet long a cobra did you see?
These guys have to be nude to the left of a bare N:
the very (*opposite) window I told you about
The mere physical facts belie this assertion.
the very { on-campus restaurant / Miami weather / Tuesday meeting } that we complained about
Why this [inequality]?
the very { high-level / *interesting } meeting.
It was to this door that I { *dreamed of / bought } the key.
–not adverbs alone
It was that door that I { lost / *described / *painted } the key to.
*Chicago I like it in.
*In Chicago I like it.
*It is LA that it in __ is muggy.
So: “picture” N are islands, unless [diamond] [there is] pragmatic condition of effect/influence between object of “picture” N & the subject (or object):
It was this door that I { gave / *envied } the key to.
Yuki’s facts! Why can’t Ps strand when modifying Nadv? What of the facts with:
The morning { that he left I arrived / on which I left was long }.
if head N is nominal.
Selective islands:
??The boy a picture of whom I regret that you stole is tall.
We were selling a kind of marbles.
He mended it with a kind of paste.
*What could you mend it with a kind of?
*Any paste a kind of which you could buy there would be fine.
[ a kind of N-def ]
*a kind of the ink you like
Which damage can we measure the extent of?
Both of these work only for X & Y being the same phrase type:
*The range but not under the sink was filthy.
even Tom but not only Tom
argues that “even Tom” [symbol] “only Tom” where [symbol] means ‘is the same phrase type as.’
down behind X but not { only behind X / over by Y / all around Z / here in the tubby / far into the murk }
All [symbol].
It’s rotgut which I got stone drunk on.
[No title.]
He said despite the bad weather *(that) he was sick.
What he said { was / [1]*seems to be } { “I’m sick” / he was sick }.
“I’m sick” seems to have been what he said.
What he put in the soup { was / [1]*seems to have been } he put ink in it.
Hey! A parallel! [1:1]
The unrippability of “that”-less clauses is no general thing.
?It was to go home that he wanted.
I want to go & she to stay.
Max & Tony said { that S1 & S2, resp. / * “S1” & “S2,” resp. / *S1 and S2, resp. }.
General contrast OK:
I told her there were 50 & SHE told her there were 40.
I said { ??to Bill / *only to Bill } I would help.
I said { only / even } { *I would help / *there were monsters in Loch Wet }.
Ditto if the intensifier has been moved:
I { only / even } said there were monsters in Loch Wet.
Who did you tell { ?that / *__ } you were sick?
Wow! ¡Vau!
*Who did you tell “I’m sick”?
When did you tell her “I’m sick”?
So: Quotes -> “that”-zappees. Hey: there are a few things (PPs only?) that “that”-zappees can follow:
O1. I was told there were no more toothbrushes.
It seems to me he’s an idiot.
Bill confided (**to me) he had stolen 16 billion Reichsmarks.
A1. I said { to Harold ?(that) we would be / ??on the porch __ we would be } back at 4.
It was reported { he was in Bologna / by the NYT ?*(that) he was in Bologna }.
Janice learned (?*from Erik) we would be on duty tonight.
B1. I said today he’ll be in Ankara tomorrow.
C1. ??I mentioned guardedly he would be available for interviews.
D1. Sandra learned from Bob & then she told me *(that) Oscar the Otter is in Oswego.
Now let’s try these with the others:
O2. I was told “We have no more toothbrushes.”
A2. Pete said { to Judith / on the porch }, “I’m ready as a bear.”
*It was repeatedly said by Nixon, “I’m not a crook.”
B2. Pete said today “I wonder where the yellow went.”
C2. Tony whispered guardedly, “My fly has been dusted for fingerprints.”
This is true when
have, avoir, être, haben, sein, [?] etc. are = “perfect” (whatever that is), not when they = past.
What he has eaten { *has been / might have been } the turk.
?Couldn’t what he said have been that he was wasted?
?Could what he said not have been that he was wasted?
?*Could what he said have not been that he was wasted?
Cleftees can move:
{ Beans it is / What is it } that she ate.
Pseudo-cleftees can’t:
*I wonder what she thinks what he saw was.
*This house what we want to buy is not.
So: can’t we now show that some other Ss are pseudo-clefts in drag?
*That Bill & Al will win my belief is (not).
*Whether the center can hold the question is (not).
Hey! It can’t even be copied from!
A king cobra–{ *what he showed us was that / that was what he showed us }.
Who has the most money is the winner.
*The winner who has the most money is.
[No title.]
What was(*n’t) it that you ate?
What was it (*definitely) that fell?
These toys it was(*n’t) that fell.
What we need is a fork, is all.
You lost me.
*I was lost by you.
These { quiz kids are tough to lose / inner-city kids are easy to lose }.
What Tom says is he has no bread.
*What I wish is I were a wombat.
*I were a wombat is what I wish.
I told her “I quit” (*and him “Take your job and shove it”).
I told her (that) she should join and him *(that) he should drop out.
He told me (that) there was beer in the fridge, & she *(that) there was wine.
She told me something incredible: { ?* “I’m rich” / OK: there are UFOs }.
?She says “I’m ill” more often than “I’m well.”
She said (that) there was beer in the fridge more often than *(that) there was wine.
Maria confirms (a “(?)” she gives it):
{ Dass er blöd sei / Er sei blöd }, habe ich nie gesagt. [Ger. ‘I never said that he was silly.’]
*Fred went bonkers & Ted { nuts / [1]ballistic }.
Is this [1] expressive?
*I want to hire somebody bananas.
{ “You’re a ninny” / “Thbthbblfp” } { went / said } Calvin.
These contravene the FPC–we expect them to be totally frozen.
** “You’re a ninny” said Calvin and “I am not” Maria.
* “You’re a ninny” said Calvin later.
*Later, “you’re a ninny” said Calvin.
So: they’ve got to be at extremes!
I wonder when { a Merc was what he drove / what he drove was a Merc }.
I wonder when { what he will say is “I didn’t know” / ? “I didn’t know” is what he’ll say }.
*Puttputt cars no longer go.
*Cars & trucks go puttputt and vrmmm, resp.
Gapping is also no way.
He { kən / ʔŋ } go today and I { kən / ʔŋ } go tomorrow.
He { kən / ʔŋ } go today and I { kʰæn / ?kən / ʔŋ } [micropause] tomorrow.
I [n] generally find answers.
?I’ve papers to grade.
Max worked (?on his thesis) { Friday / Fridays / twice }.
Max walked the boundary { Friday / Fridays / 6 times / my way / that time / 6 hours }.
Max walked along the boundary { ??Friday / ?*mornings / ?6 times / ?6 hours / ?my way / ?this way / ?that time }.
Don’t Zap / __ expressives
Zack { was thought / seemed } { crazy / *bananas / *nuts }.
Somebody *(who is) bananas has a hard time getting hired.
Uh-oh: Why [is there]
that drove him { nuts / *bananas }.
There are 2 kinds of Gapping–with & without pauses.
Gapping 1:
I went to LA & she to NY.
Gapping 2:
I went to LA & she … [i.e. pause] to NY.
But if it is possible to gap with gestures then only with a hefty pause:
Bill went [thumbs-up] & Sam { *[thumbs-down] / %[pause] [thumbs-down] }.
Not in (any) negatives:
(*not) higgledy-piggledy
clickity clack
OK: “DQ” “that”-less.
V-able =
1. able to be V-en
2. Nominalizes in “-ity”
1. Stem + “-able”
(only Latin?)
2. Nominalization in “-ness.”
__ Billy __ ran __ home (very) rapidly.
__ *(,) Billy *__ ran *__ home (*very) lickedy-split.
–bad w/o comma.
*so lickedy-split that his dick fell off.
How Billy ran home was { rapidly / ?*lickedy-split }.
{ Rapidly / **Lickety-split } it was that Billy ran home.
{ ?Billy didn’t run home / ?*Few students ran home / *Billy seldom ran home } lickety-split.
*Tony went home slowly & Billy lickety-split.
{ For him to shout “I’m hungry” / Him shouting loudly “I’m hungry” / His shouting loudly “I’m hungry” / ?His loud shouting that he was hungry / *His loud shouting “I’m hungry” } was scandalous.
**his shout “I’m hungry”
Prediction: “lickety-split” should co-vanish
OK: { him / his } going home frequently lickety-split
??his { frequent going / drive } home { rapidly / lickety-split }
–also crummy.
Only governed rules can be roots.
1. Whiz Deletion is a beginning, because of
hot dog, blackbird
2. Slifting is: cf. “maybe”
3. Equi must be: cf. “will”
4. Clitic Moving must be: cf. [Fr.] “s’en vouloir de”
5. Incorporation: cf. “window”
6. Of -> Ø: cf. “beside.”
Max went crazy & Tex *(went) blind.
*Tony hit the road & Jan the sack.
Eu levie uma bronca (get told off) e ele ferro (get shit on).
DNPs (and expressives) are clause-final:
I gave { Jan a big [middle finger] / *a big [m.f.] to Jan }.
I paid $20 to Harry.
I set fire to the barn.
*Fire to the barn was set.
This makes an interesting (false) prediction: there should be no article-less N in subjects. False:
School begins at 12.
or as first parts of objects–which seems true:
I attended college
is OK, but “college” never has anything after it.
Are all article-less N spatial?
to { bed / school / temple }
on edge
in command.
The same (?) expressives that can’t be Gapping residues can’t form derived nominals:
*Tony’s { bonker(s) / banana(s) }ness
*the hotsy-{ totsiness / **totsity } of things.
This set has 15 elements { in it / *there }.
the chairs { in it / *there }
die Amerikaner { darin / ?in ihr / *dort } = in der Liste [Ger. ‘the Americans { thereon / on it / there }’ = ‘on the list’]
Rosalia’s fact:
??the house of both of us
*both of { our / us’s } house
??It’s both of ours.
This is { ?*money of both of you / ?*both of your money }.
OK: both of { you / us }
both of the children’s money.
[ [ N of N’s ]N ]
Rosalia’s shit [?]
[1] *us both’s house
*them all’s friend
Hey! When Q Float happens, the hull dern thang is frozen:
*Them { all / both } I talked to.
{ *Them each / *The boys each } I gave a cookie.
Thus this [1] is explained if [there is] a Possessor Preposing rule!
[ [ N of N ] ‘s ]
That is a friend of { mine / Tom’s / ??Tom }.
Why “mine” here? We would expect “me” or “me’s.” “Mine” is prototypically “my + one/stuff”:
Mine runs.
What general rule puts “mine” here?
This is a { toe / kettle } of { Tom’s / *Tom / mine / **me }.
Tony showed me a poem { by Tom / of Tom*(‘s) / of your*(s) / of the children*(‘s) }.
The sold me { a / the } statue of { Tom / you / the men }.
The statue of { Tom’s / ?you’s / the men’s } { foot / base [?] } was chipped.
*these all
exc. in subjects.
Tom’s conversion of { all of them / ??them all } into nuts
provide { ?all of them to Jake / ?them all to Jake / *Jake with them all / *Jake with all of them / guns to them all / them all with guns }
*Tony & they both & Sue left.
Either they both or Tony alone did it.
talk { to them all about these / to these about them all }
??Either Tom or the boys each will whistle.
give { them all guns / ??Jake them all / ?*Jake them both }
He was sent them both.
I fed the boys a banana each.
I fed the boys each { *a banana / with a different fork }.
*I fed the boys with a different fork each.
I wrote the boys { *each a letter / a letter each / each about a course / each with a different pen / *with a different pen each }.
I fed the bananas each yesterday to a different boy.
I fed the bananas yesterday each to a different boy.
I fed the bananas yesterday to a different boy each.
All the cities -> the cities all / [ Subj ]
some { Queens / *(*the) Bronx / *(*the) Hague } storms
some storms in { all of the cities / all of them / ?them all }
some { **all of the cities / **all of them / ***them all } storms
from { all of the cities / *the cities all / all of them / them all } { past / through / along } { all of them / all of the cities / *the cities all / ?them all / both } to { all of the cities / all of them / *the cities all / them all / them both }
The boys { each ate 2 cookies / ??ate each 2 cookies / ate 2 cookies each }.
The boys read { a book / 2 books } each.
The boys each read the book.
*The boys read the book each.
So: caboose “each” only if [there is] a numeral at the caboosable site:
The boys picked { a book (??each) out[1] / *a book out each / ?*one }.
[1] OK with big pause before “out.”
Paul tells me that Mark Baltin has observed stuff like:
Where did you tell the boys { *each / *all / *both } that you had put the onions?
How long did you tell the boys { *each / *all / *both } that the concert would last?
But these are, I note, OK with “them all.” What is:
all because of the rain
When did you tell { them / __ } all what to plant.
It’s fantastic { why (??it was that) he left / where (it was that) he slept }.
From Heine, Claudi, Hünnemeyer, “Grammaticalization: A Conceptual Framework,” p. 11: “An essential part of this model includes “construal rules” [a]whose function it is to resolve feature contradiction by means of creative language processes on the one hand and metaphor on the other.”
[a] Wazzat?!
(1) It is their[c] function { to resolve[b] / *resolving } feature contradiction.
The subject of this verb [b] is the possessor [c]:
My function is to shave myself.
(1) ?= [2]
(2) Their function is { to resolve / ?resolving } feature contradiction.
(2) ?= [3]
(3) { ?To resolve / Resolving } feature contradiction is their function.
Which is deepest? Not (1). N.b.
It was [ their function to dig holes ][d], which it now is not (*their function[e]).
So this [d] is a constituent? Or is there stuff deleted here [e]?
Aha! This (1) argues that there has been Extraposition!
What the hell is “to function”?
Tony functions as { a doorman / *doormen } to wake us up.
?*What he functions as is to fix things.
How he functions is to V.
Aha! So here is a wild N:
X’s function = how X functions
This is the only one like this that I have seen.
A. Free locative relatives:
I put the milk (right) where { the oil was / you put oil }.
B. Conjunctive Q:
I know { right / *down } where you live.
*C. Disjunctive Q:
I wonder (*right) where you live.
(thus information-seeking Qs)
I failed to discover (*right) where you live.
D. Reference “where”s (OK?)
{ Right / Down } WHERE will be fine?
E. Exclamatory Qs:
(Right) where did they build it?
F. “whatever”s
(Right) behind whatever you park, I’ll start to [?-tpu]
This [B-E] reminds me of Fatties.
But no:
We discovered (*far) behind what tree he had parked.


Ready to ask again: what really happened on September 11?


Here is a link sent to me by my friend Bruce:

Your mind may not be open to any explanation other than the official one. But if this video plants in you the slightest seed of doubt, please water it,give it sunlight. Read two books by David Ray Griffin – the first one he wrote

The New Pearl Harbor

and then the second:

The 9/11 Commission Report: Omissions and Distortions

I will be very surprised if they do not leave you disturbed – permanently.

As my great friend Jack said to me.

“I am not a conspiracy buff. But I know that there are conspiracies.”

Peace –



Writing the sound of water – Basho’s old pond

Friends –

I have recently put on the web a short paper on a haiku (a kind of very short Japanese poem) by the great master Matsuo Basho:

I hope you will fall into the depths of this poem as I have.

Peace –



Intense solar flare activity?

Friends –

I am going to paste in two postings from a blog by Bruce Stephen Holmes (Timeless Voyager ), which I have been reading some of for about two months. Both postings report on solar flares. One concerns current activity, and is worrisome enough. The other comes from a news conference held recently by Edward Snowden in Moscow. These two postings speak for themselves. I have checked to see if there is any kown hoax involved – did not know of one.
Each of us is going to have to decide for herself or himself whether to makes plans based on this information. Good luck to all of us.

Peace –


Edward Snowden: Solar-Flare ‘Killshot’ Cataclysm Imminent
By Oliver Wilis , on July 23rd, 2013

Edward Snowden: Solar-Flare ‘Killshot’ Cataclysm Imminent

Edward Snowden, NSA Whistleblower, speaking from Sheremetyevo Airport’s Hotel Novotel, revealed the CIA’s Project Stargate was a complete success. (Photo: The Internet Chronicle)

MOSCOW, Russia – Edward Snowden, hacker-fugitive and former National Security Agency (NSA) contractor, revealed Tuesday that a series of solar flares is set to occur in September, killing hundreds of millions of people. Documents provided by Snowden prove that, as of 14 years ago, Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) remote viewers knew that the event was inevitable. Ever since, the world’s governments have quietly been trying to prepare for the sweeping global famine to result.

Speaking from his room at Sheremetyevo Airport’s Hotel Novotel, Snowden revealed that government preparations for September’s catastrophic solar flares have been “to only limited avail.” The flares’ results, he said, are known casually throughout the global intelligence community as “the killshot.”

Remote viewers employed by the CIA’s Project Stargate use their ability to perceive geographically and chronologically distant events to protect America. Since 1999 they have known about the solar-flare event but have been threatened into silence by enforcers on the secret government’s payroll.

As a part of hiring Snowden as a contractor, the NSA granted the 30-year-old access to all communications on earth. Now he has provided The Internet Chronicle with top-secret Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) documents outlining just how terrible the solar flares’ results will be. In just two months, “the killshot” is set to disable all electronic food and water delivery systems.

Ever since the late 20th century, hundreds of millions of people have begun to rely on technological automation to enable their very lives. Solar flares release electromagnetic pulses, hazardous to electronic circuits. The smallest electronic circuits, such as those in computers’ central processing units, will be the most vulnerable.

Snowden said FEMA and the National Disaster Reduction Center of China have been taking steps for 14 years in light of the findings of Project Stargate. FEMA’s own documents, provided by Snowden, lay out how the organization plans to round up tens of millions of the poorest Americans for housing at secure locations “to better facilitate feeding and provision of consumer goods.”

Snowden, for years a CIA contractor, released testimonials from hundreds of remote viewers. Many of those remote viewers are still on the payroll of the governments of the United States and the Russian Federation. Those testimonials, though written independently by the analysts, are comprised of 4,472 pages, every single one of which, alarmingly, evince Snowden’s account.

“The massive electromagnetic pulse from the solar flares, or ‘the killshot,’ will shutter most of the world’s electrical systems,” said Snowden. “The Americans whose lives are most at risk are the elderly and the infirmed, those who depend on technology to enable their receiving home care or life-sustaining medical treatment.”

Throughout the 1970s and the 1990s, Russia and the United States were desperate to track and monitor the construction and maintenance of each other’s nuclear silos. The nations’ governments openly admitted having poured billions of dollars into the training of elite teams of remote viewers. With their powers, the remote viewers were able to deter nuclear launches and, ultimately, bring an end to the Cold War. In the mid-’90s, the CIA simply pretended to close its remote-viewing program, so that it could operate more effectively.

Snowden said he hopes that his coming forward will allow Project Stargate’s participants to be able to live normal, open lives again, “instead of as circus animals, instead of as freaks.” He added, “[Significant others of Project Stargate employees] have to get Q clearances just to cohabitate with, without even marrying, their loved ones. That’s tantamount to slavery.”

Humanity is about to pay a most dire price for its technological dependence. That price, said Snowden, proved a leading factor in his decision to come forward to the press – about both the global Holocaust to ensue, as well as NSA analysts’ power, on the slightest whim, to listen to the phone calls of any person on earth.

Snowden said, with regard to CIA remote viewers, “I have seen too many brave whistleblowers become subjects of smear and ridicule for using their talents to expose the truth.” Added Snowden, bitterly, “Well, we’ll see who’s Mr. Chuckles when ‘the killshot’ goes down.”

WikiLeaks attorneys; and Anatoly Kucherena, Snowden’s own counsel, together produced a video calling for calm and global preparedness. Monday, Snowden sent the video, below, to the Russian Federal Migration Service as part of his call for asylum.

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Bruce Stephen Holms

“Nothing happens by accident. Nothing is as it seems. Everything is connected.”

“… if time travel is ever accomplished then it exists throughout time…”

PO BOX 6678


C type UV has increased 1400% – it is the most damaging of the UV rays…

UV is made up of A B & C with B and C the most damaging. Contrary to reports of B being less than 5% of the total, it has increased to 70% of the total (up 1,400% of the total).

In the forests of Northern California, bark is literally being scorched from trees. On many specimens, only a thin strip of bark remains on the shaded side of the tree. Foliage is being scorched with many trees having only a fraction of their normal leaf cover. Many native species of plants are not even sprouting any more. The organisms that do still manage to grow appear miniaturized in some cases.

Plankton are being killed of which produce the majority of oxygen as well as being the base of the food chain for fish.

What is that doing to people?

This website has been shut down to try to keep this information from getting out.

CGI’s Lymerick: The website was taken down today URGENT MESSAGE !!

Posted By: Susoni [Send E-Mail]
Date: Tuesday, 30-Jul-2013 12:35:58

This is an email I just received as a member of the email list. The message contains crucial information which we are encouraged to forward far and wide; since the website suddenly was taken down today – just when this info was to break. If you find it fitting, please forward and publicize this critical information wherever appropriate.


Hello Friends,

The website was taken down today by our host without warning. Our tech person tells us he has never seen anything like this happen before. He is dealing with it right now. Dane is certain this is not an accident. There have been many phone calls and email communications this week in the course of preparing this data for release. We suspect that the site was shut down to prevent this article from reaching the tens of thousands of you who visit our site daily.

The article, about our findings when testing UV levels is below. These findings are quite alarming.

Dane wants top get this information out there any way possible. He asks that you share this article far and wide for us.

If you want to order flyers, cards, bumper stickers, tshirts or dvd’s, until we are back online, you can email me directly at: I will set up a page end of the day for you to be able to order resources and I’ll send you the link.

We have so much appreciation and respect for each one of you who have joined us in taking on this battle that none of us asked for!

Please send this information to as many people as possible. Let’s get this out to 10 times the readers it would have reached had the site been up!


Geoengineering is Destroying the Ozone Layer

Off The Chart UV Levels Not Being Disclosed

By Dane Wigington

We have known for some time that the UV levels were getting rapidly worse due to the ongoing atmospheric spraying. Anyone that is even slightly awake and aware has noticed that the sun feels incredibly intense on the skin. Most varieties of plant life are showing at least some signs of stress in most areas. In many regions, whole forests are in steep decline. And it’s getting worse by the day.

Although extreme drought and toxic rains (due in large part to the heavy metal fallout from geoengineering) are taking their toll, recent metering of UV levels in Northern California indicate that there is an element in this die off that is far worse than we had realized, an incomprehensibly high level of UV radiation.

With the assistance of a very generous and conscientious individual, purchased top-of-the-line UV metering equipment which was put in the hands of a 40-year environmental metering veteran, with 20 years government experience and 20 years as a private consultant. Our findings are far beyond shocking.

From a recent science study on excessive UV:

We are told UV-B is only a minor component of the total solar radiation, we now know this could not be further from the truth. Our recent metering reflects an exponential rise in UVB radiation. Due to its high energy, its potential for causing biological damage to plants, animals, and humans is exceptionally high and even small increases could lead to significant biological damage. There are numerous peer reviewed studies which verify this fact.

The Results

According to agencies like WHO, (World Heath Organizatin) and a long list of other recognized government sources of UV information like NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration), no more than 5% of the total UV reaching the surface of Earth should be UVB. The other 95% should be UVA.

These agencies go on to state that UVC should be ZERO.

What has our testing shown?

UVB – the most lethal form of UV radiation – has now escalated to almost 70% of the total UV reaching the surface of our planet. At least this is the case in Northern California. (This can only mean that total Ultra-Violate exposure has also escalated sharply, making overall UVB levels worse still.)

In addition, our testing has consistently shown significant levels of UVC which used to be filtered out by the ozone layer, some 100,000 feet up in our atmosphere.

Not any more.

UV is measured in spectral bandwidths. The higher the bandwidth, the more benign the UV; lower bandwidths are more lethal.

Current testing reveals that almost 70% of incoming UV radiation is currently in the UVB and UVC range. (Not 5% or less, as we are being told by all major agencies and their media mouthpieces).

This translates into nearly a 1,400% increase in UVB as a percentage of total UV. If UVA has also gone up due to the same ozone destruction which has driven up the UVB, this would indicate a likelihood that the total UVB and UVC is higher still – not just a difference of ratio with the same overall number.

What are the known negative effects of excessive UV exposure to plant life?

The Proof On The Ground SEE LINK FOR IMAGES

In the forests of Northern California, bark is literally being scorched from trees. On many specimens, only a thin strip of bark remains on the shaded side of the tree. Foliage is being scorched with many trees having only a fraction of their normal leaf cover. Many native species of plants are not even sprouting any more. The organisms that do still manage to grow appear miniaturized in some cases.

What are just some of the results of excessive UV exposure to plants?

Can stop sprouting of seeds, • Stunts growth, • Limb die off, • Reduced foliage, • DNA damage, • Changes nutrient distribution, • Mutatins, • Effects photosynthesis • Greatly increased mortality

SOME known effects of excessive UV exposure to aquatic life:

All aquatic life is particularly vulnerable to high UV levels.

Phytoplankton accounts for some 30% of the worlds’ intake of animal protein. Phytoplankton and the microorganisms they consume are killed by excessive UV levels. (Global plankton populations have already been reduced by 40% to 50%. Much of the die off is likely due to increased UV radiation.)

Less plankton = less carbon-dioxide absorption.

Less plankton = less oxygen production. (Atmospheric oxygen content around the globe declining rapidly)

Less plankton = less fish. Period.

Bottom line: A crashing plankton population effects the entire food chain and all life on earth.

Excess UV kills coral reefs. So do waters warmed and made acidic by CO2 fallout. (Reefs are the nurseries of many crucial aquatic species and are in sharp decline around the globe.)

SOME of the known effects of excess UV on humans:

• Damaged immune system, • DNA damage • Damages sight • Causes various forms of cancer

Geoengineering Aerosols Destroy The Ozone Layer

This is not speculation, it is fact. There is a mountain of science data that confirms the ozone decimating effect of sunlight-reflecting particulates in the upper atmosphere. As geoengineering climate modeler Ken Caldeira warned after crunching the numbers for Dr. Edward Teller’s aerosol “sunscreen”, the resulting rapid cooling of the stratosphere causes the formation of huge ice clouds that attract and concentrate ozone-destroying chemicals.

In the forests of Northern California, bark is literally being scorched from trees. On many specimens, only a thin strip of bark remains on the shaded side of the tree. Foliage is being scorched with many trees having only a fraction of their normal leaf cover. Many native species of plants are not even sprouting any more. The organisms that do still manage to grow appear miniaturized in some cases.

What are just some of the results of excessive UV exposure to plants?

Can stop sprouting of seeds, • Stunts growth, • Limb die off, • Reduced foliage, • DNA damage, • Changes nutrient distribution, • Mutatins, • Effects photosynthesis • Greatly increased mortality

SOME known effects of excessive UV exposure to aquatic life:

All aquatic life is particularly vulnerable to high UV levels.

Phytoplankton accounts for some 30% of the worlds’ intake of animal protein. Phytoplankton and the microorganisms they consume are killed by excessive UV levels. (Global plankton populations have already been reduced by 40% to 50%. Much of the die off is likely due to increased UV radiation.)

Less plankton = less carbon-dioxide absorption.

Less plankton = less oxygen production. (Atmospheric oxygen content around the globe declining rapidly)

Less plankton = less fish. Period.

Bottom line: A crashing plankton population effects the entire food chain and all life on earth.

Excess UV kills coral reefs. So do waters warmed and made acidic by CO2 fallout. (Reefs are the nurseries of many crucial aquatic species and are in sharp decline around the globe.)

SOME of the known effects of excess UV on humans:

• Damaged immune system, • DNA damage • Damages sight • Causes various forms of cancer

Geoengineering Aerosols Destroy The Ozone Layer

This is not speculation, it is fact. There is a mountain of science data that confirms the ozone decimating effect of sunlight-reflecting particulates in the upper atmosphere. As geoengineering climate modeler Ken Caldeira warned after crunching the numbers for Dr. Edward Teller’s aerosol “sunscreen”, the resulting rapid cooling of the stratosphere causes the formation of huge ice clouds that attract and concentrate ozone-destroying chemicals.

Though many of these “science studies” do not admit geoengineering is already going on, this fact is not hard to confirm for any that do even the slightest investigation.

Numerous references are posted below this article.

At A Crossroad

The gravity of our collective crisis cannot be overstated. Current UV metering makes clear we are now being exposed to dangerously high levels of UV radiation, specifically UVB and UVC.

The metering performed in Northern California, on which this statement is based, was done by a pair of identical state-of-the-art, brand-new, science-grade meters guaranteed to be scientifically calibrated to a range within 4%. As stated earlier in this article, the tech who did this metering is a 40- year veteran in environmental measurement and interpretation.

Here in Northern California, we are already seeing frighteningly visible damage to foliage, trees, and plants. The ramifications of extremely high UV levels to all life forms – including us – are grave. As the die-off of other species go, so will we. We are in the 6th Great Mass Extinction – right here, right now! (References below)

If geoengineering continues unabated, and the ozone layer is completely destroyed, it will be game over for us all. No ozone layer = no life on Earth.

It’s that simple.

Global geoengineering is tearing apart the entire fabric of life on our planet. • Geoengineering is poisoning our air, waters, and soils. • Geoengineering is pushing increasingly erratic atmospheric processes resulting from human-propelled climate change past the Chaos threshold into unpredictable, self-reinforcing, cascading events. • Geoengineering is disrupting the jetstream and all natural weather patterns, which in turn is fueling catastrophic climate feedback loops – the most dire of which are mass methane hydrate releases from the Arctic tundra and seafloor. • Geoengineering is destroying the stratospheric solar radiation shielding, which protects all life on Earth.


Do your own honest investigation and find out.

Global awareness of these lethal programs is rising quickly, but not fast enough. Its up to all of us to help shine the light on this life-or-death issue.

Every day counts.


From Harvard Magazine
Harvard scientist

The Science paper notes that loss of ice in the Artic threatens to release significant amounts of carbon dioxide and methane from the soils of Siberia and Northern Alaska, potentially accelerating climate change. The researchers also note that an increasingly cited remedy for climate change—geo-engineering the climate by launching sulfate particles directly into the atmosphere in order to reflect sunlight away from Earth—would accelerate the process of ozone loss by increasing the reactive surface area for the conversion of chlorine to free radical form, as was observed after the eruption of Mount Pinatubo in 1991.

From EPA

UVB: a band of ultraviolet radiation with wavelengths from 280-320 nanometers produced by the Sun

UVB is a kind of ultraviolet light from the sun (and sun lamps) that has several harmful effects. UVB is particularly effective at damaging DNA. It is a cause of melanoma and other types of skin cancer. It has also been linked to damage to some materials, crops, and marine organisms. The ozone layer protects the Earth against most UVB coming from the sun. It is always important to protect oneself against UVB, even in the absence of ozone depletion, by wearing hats, sunglasses, and sunscreen. However, these precautions will become more important as ozone depletion worsens. NASA provides more information on their web site

UVC: a band of ultraviolet radiation with wavelengths shorter than 280 nanometers

UVC is extremely dangerous, but it is completely absorbed by ozone and normal oxygen (O2). NASA provides more information on their web site


A Geo-engineering conference was held in Canberra this week see here. ‘Geo-engineering’ is taking radical steps to dramatically and rapidly cool the planet. One of the ideas being discussed at the conference is to fire sulfa particles into the atmosphere, one professor has spoken out about this:

He says that would destroy the ozone layer.

“Ozone depletion would cause more UV radiation which would cause skin cancers – killing people,” he said.

“We know the mechanism for this, because it’s the process that affects the Antarctic ozone hole.”

Source: ABC Rural | 27/Sep/2011

– See more at:

More references,

geoengineering destroys the ozone layer

6th mass extinction is now

No ozone layer, no terrestrial life on earth

UV resistant genetically modified crops

Countering_UV-B_stress_in_plants_Does_selenium_have_a_role Global aerosol depth loop (off course this source does not mention the main source of atmospheric aerosols, global geoengineering)

From a recent science study on excessive UV. Although UV-B is only a minor component of the total solar radiation (less than 0.5%), due to its high energy, its potential for causing biological damage is exceptionally high and even small increases could lead to significant biological damage.

Excessive UV effects on phytoplankton.

Human health and ecological consequences of ozone depletion.

Excessive UV effects on ecosystems

Excessive UV effects plant development/growth

Excessive UV effects plant growth Excessive UV and plant growth

Excessive UV and plant growth,or.r_qf.&bvm=bv.49478099%2Cd.aWM%2Cpv.xjs.s.en_US.c75bKy5EQ0A.O&fp=fc20d2414f75fc3c&biw=1442&bih=874

Plankton produces 50% of earths oxygen

Plankton populations down 40%

Date: 07/27/13

Dane Wigington c/o KQMS 3360 Alta Mesa Dr., Redding, CA 96002 USA

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Bruce Stephen Holms

“Nothing happens by accident. Nothing is as it seems. Everything is connected.”

“… if time travel is ever accomplished then it exists throughout time…”

PO BOX 6678

The ideas contained in this material are the sole property of Timeless Voyager Press. This material has not been published and contains valuable trade secrets of Timeless Voyager Press, embodying substantial creative efforts and confidential information, know-how, ideas and expressions, no part of which may be used, communicated, loaned, reproduced, or copied in any manner, directly or indirectly, for any purpose, without prior written permission of Timeless Voyager Press. Copyright 2013, an unpublished work by Timeless Voyager Press


Rainer Maria Rilke and Buddha Quotes

Friends –

I feel so wonderful-confused about this great place on the web, that you and I have made together, with the incredible friendship of my great BrasiloGerman pal Rainer Brockerhoff, who set it up on his enviable Macintosh Superarray of computational moxie, about 5-10 years ago, when I was visiting my other home country, Brasil.

And I understood it vaguely then, and the passage of time had reduced my fledgling comprehension to the merest flicker, I barely know how to do anything to make this baby roar into orbit –

Nonetheless, here we are!

Waidamint, I hear you saying. I said that who made this electroenterprise was you and me together, fgiven the JATO help of Rainer, and I explained to you how little I learned how to do, and how even less I know now – well, then, why did I say that you, who are out there somewhere perhaps reading this, what is your role?

Well as far as I can see, you are all putting your collective shoulder to the wheel and pushing me to try again to get into orbit by signing on at least two a day, many times more, and you keep doing it?

So I figger that I should be doing whatever it is that I have been doing so that this durn thang can really soar (I like soaring, as many of you also know)

About ten years ago or more Talmy Givón, and huge linguist-author-Tao Te Ching friend told me about finding something to wear around your neck, so I found something, and told me about totems too.

he said that your totem animal(s) are just those that you feel particularly close to.

Hey, thinks I, I can tell you those easy: humpback whale, those are the beautiful ones whose tail comes all the way out fo the water when they are going down for their deep dives

and red-tailed hawk, I love so much that shade of redbrown on their tailfeathers,

and brown bear (my Andover friends called me Red Bear)

and one fourth one, the weirdest one:

daddy longlegs spider

That’s me, through and through.

So I know soaring from watching hawks soar.

And I feel that Dream Deep is aloft, and going to where it is that all of us want to go, all many of us already, and many more of us this week than last week –

so every now and then I am going to paste into these posts some words that just sing to me, and I hope that they will sing to you too.

And if you would like to suggest some of your own, I would love that.

This whole meeting is surrounded by light and fun, so let’s keep doing it.

As they say, if it feels good, fondle it.

Peace –


And here is a terrific piece of writing, is it a poem? It is by one of the greatest of poets of all times, Rainer Maria Rilke, but it doesn’t have measured lines like most of his writing does, so let’s just dare to say:

he really meant these words, whoever they were written to, and I sure felt that they were written to me – they are to anyone who has ever wanted to write a poem, who has fallen in love with language.

I don’t know who gave this to me, many thanks if it was you, and I have tried to translate it as well as I could, please help me if there are mistakes, and I hope you will love it like I do.

…um einen einzigen Vers zu schreiben, muss man viele Städte, Menschen und Dinge gesehen haben,
man muss die Tiere kennen, man muss fühlen vie die Vögel fliegen,
und wissen welche Bewegung die kleinen Blumen machen, wenn sie sich am Morgen öffnen.
Man muss an Wege in unbekannten Gegenden wiederdenken können,
an unerwartete Begrüßungen, an Abfahrten, die man seit langem näher kommen sah,
an Kindheitstage, deren Geheimnisse sich noch nicht geklärt haben,
an in ruhigen Zimmern verbrachte Tage, an Vormittage am Meeresufer,
an das Meer selbst, an die Meere, an volle durchreiste Nächte,
die mit den Sternen verflogen und es reicht nicht aus, dass man an all’ dies zu denken weiß.
Man muss Erinnerungen haben an viele Liebesnächte,
von denen keine an die andere glich, an Frauenschreie beim Gebären,
an leichte, weiße und schlafende Frauen.
Man sollte auch bei Sterbenden gewesen sein, bei Toten gesessen haben,
im Zimmer und mit offenem Fenster, um die stoßweisen Geräusche zu hören.
Und es reicht selbst nicht, Erinnerungen zu haben.
Man sollte sie auch vergessen können, wenn sie zu zahlreich sind.
Man muss die große Geduld haben zu warten, dass sie wiederkommen.
Denn es sind noch nicht die wirklichen Erinnerungen.
Nur in dem Moment, wo sie in uns Blut, Blick, Geste werden,
keinen eigenen Namen mehr haben, sich von uns nicht mehr unterscheiden,
kann es geschehen, dass sich aus ihnen heraus in einer begnadeten Stunde
das erste Wort eines ersten Verses ergibt

(Rainer Marie Rilke – Les cahiers de M.L. Brigge)

. . . in order to write one single line one has to have seen many cities, people and things,
one has to know animals, one has to feel how birds fly,
and to know which movement the small flowers make when they open in the morning.
One has to be able to think again of roads in unknown regions,
of unexpected greetings, of departures that one has seen drawing nigh for a long time,
of childhood days whose secrets have not yet revealed themselves,
of days spent in quiet rooms, of mornings on the seashore,
of the sea itself, of the oceans, of whole nights spent underway,
nights that flew away with the stars and it is not enough that one knows how to think of all this.
One has to have memories of many nights of love,
among which none resembled any other, of the cries of women giving birth,
of women light, white and sleeping.
One should also have been with people dying, have sat with the dead,
in the room and with open windows, to hear bursts of sound.
And it is not even enough to have memories.
One should be able to forget them, when there are too many of them.
One has to have the great patience to wait for them to come back.
Because these are still not the real memories.
Only in the moment when they turn in us into blood, glance, gesture,
no longer have their own names, are no more to be differentiated from us,
only then can it happen that out of them in a blessed hour
the first word of a first line emerges.

And now I know many of you have cellular phones which,like my wonderful iPhone, can get me to the net at any time, and to email, and mine has an app called Buddha quotes, I got it for free, all of my apps I got for free, there are some fabulous ones, anytime I want, I can see what the Buddha is thinking about. And here are some of the things that came through recently, and I sorta think that the8y are part of the Deep Dream we are all dreaming together.

When you realize how perfect everything is
you will tilt your head back and laugh at the sky.


From the iPhone app
Buddha quotes

June, 2013.

When one has the feeling of dislike for evil, when one feels tranquil,
one finds pleasure in listening to good teachings.


From the iPhone app
Buddha quotes

June, 2013.

Whatever words we utter should be chosen with care
for people will hear them and be influenced by them for good or ill.


From the iPhone app
Buddha quotes


Thanks to Wayne:


by: Olszewski, David, E.E., I.E.

EARLY EXPERIMENTS In 1965, the Russians and Czechs were trying to standardize colour therapy, which is the use of colours to treat the body. When they used a single colour on a number of people, they got different reactions because colour affects emotions and produces different effects. The Russians wanted to have a standard treatment, so they theorized that if they isolated one frequency of blue, or red, they could duplicate colour therapy on a regulated basis. They started separating different frequencies with lasers, and they discovered a lot more than they expected to find. They discovered that a single frequency light in a laser can stimulate DNA in damaged cell tissue. They used a low power laser under 50-milliwatts because higher lasers can cut tissue.

PULSED VS.CONTINUOUS LASER They discovered that if they used a pulsed laser light, the tissue healed rapidly. On the other hand, if they gave a continuous beam, it sedated the cell and killed the pain. When a single frequency pulsed light hit the cell, it actually stimulated the cell to start producing more protein than it normally does, and as a result, the cell would heal. Even when they took the light away, the cell continued its healing. The continuous beam had a reverse effect. It actually caused the cell membrane to relax; it killed pain, reduced inflammation and made muscle tissue relax.

INCREASED HEALING IN THE 660 nm WAVELENGTH ( It didn’t matter what the frequency was. It could be infrared, red, blue, or green, as long as it was single although, as you move toward the red end of the spectrum, the rate of cellular regeneration increased. For instance, a single frequency in the green range might affect the kidney 40 times better than a normal base-line study, whereas a red would be about 4,000 times faster. So over the years they migrated to infrared, red and eventually the 660 nanometer wavelength because it was the fastest way to regenerate tissue. So if you have an injury you would normally recover from in ten days, you can actually recover that tissue in two days by treating it with light.

WAVELENGTH OF CELL TISSUE About ten years later at the University of Chicago, researchers discovered that the average wavelength of cell tissue in the human body ranged between 600 nanometers and 720 nm; 660 is the mid-point. So in essence, the reason a 660 nm works better than any other single frequency is because it is closer to the resonant frequency of cell tissue. The other reason is that 660 nm absorbs better in hemoglobin.

LASER LIGHT VS LIGHT EMITTING DIODES (LED) When this therapy reached the U.S. and Canada, both lasers and light-emitting diodes at 660 nanometers were being used. The LED diffuses; the single frequency laser does not. With this diffusion, the cell can actually be in control of the treatment and shut off the molecules when it was done. But with the laser, the cells are no longer in control; the doctor or the practitioner applying the laser is in control. If he does it too long or with too much strength, you would not only heal the tissue, but you would start a deterioration again. So basically, the use of light-emitting diodes eliminated the draw back of lasers, and light could be applied into such sensitive areas as the eyes and around the face. LEDs allowed this whole area to blossom into a much larger usage by average people in their homes. Tiina Karu, Ph.D. of the Laser Technology Center in Russia, and affiliated with the University of California at Berkely, probably the top researcher in the world on the use of lasers and light emitting diodes published a study in Health and Physics Digest called “Photobiological Effects of Lasers” which discusses photobiological stimulation without laser light. The article explains that you can do laser treatment without using laser light, by using light emitting diodes which are much safer. Since the cells are basically in control of the process, there is no way to overuse light.

THE MERIDIAN SYSTEM Acupuncturists discovered that single frequency light could activate acupressure points. Pulse light could stimulate it; continuous light could sedate the acupuncture points. But they also discovered that light applied to a meridian end-point can actually be traced flowing through the meridian to the organ acupuncture points. The meridian system is a useful pathway for getting light deeper into the body, so if you are treating things like asthma in the lungs, there is an alternate method of getting light into the lungs.

DEPTH OF LIGHT PENETRATION As we developed more types of lights with different geometrical shapes, we were able to actually get light deeper into the body without going through the meridians. Initially, single frequency light penetrated approximately an inch and a half, but today, larger units can penetrate up to eight inches. It will go through the skull. We use it on strokes, concussions and internal problems in the brain. Excellent studies have been done using light for pain relief, degenerative osteoarthritis, carpal tunnel tendonitis, skin ailments, acne, psoriasis, healing of the sinus cells, throat and ear problems, whiplash and lower back problems.

PENETRATING THROUGH THE BLOOD STREAM You can even get light into the blood stream. One of the best ways is through your belly button, because the aorta artery is behind the belly button. So if you insert the light there for 20 minutes, every drop of blood in the body will pass in front of the light, increasing the activity of your white cells, red cells, B-cells and T-cells, so you can boost your whole immune system.

ACUTE VS CHRONIC CONDITIONS If you use lasers or light-emitting diodes, it will actually speed up healing by a factor of five. If you have chronic conditions like osteoarthritis or whiplash from 15 years ago, conditions that are not responding or are deteriorating, the use of laser and LED light has actually stimulated regeneration. I believe light is going to play the biggest part in chronic conditions for people who have already explored a lot of other modalities and have found no solution.

BRAIN WAVE STUDIES We were studying the diagnosis of illnesses like leukemia, etc through brainwave patterns. We were surprised to find that when we treat the person with light, or with heat, that when the body starts healing, it shifts into what is called a healing profile where beta waves disappear, and alpha, theta and delta appear like you wouldn’t even find in a yogi.

THERMAL THERAPY FOR IMMUNITY A rectal heat probe allows the temperature to rise to between 98ï‚° and 113ï‚° in the rectum. It corrects prostate troubles and shrinks the prostate. It eliminates hemorrhoids. The most important use for rectal therapy is that it makes your body think you have a fever, even though the heat is only in the rectum. So the body will fight the fever by generating new white cells in the bone marrow. In this way, you can increase your white cell count overnight in lowered immune systems. Many thermal units are being used to boost the immune systems of people with serious illnesses such as cancer, AIDS and lowered immunity. We use heat to generate new white cells in depleted immune systems, and we use light on the blood stream to regenerate red cells, white cells, B and T-cells. So the combination of light and heat has been very effective with critical conditions.

“I oppose sunglasses. Sunglasses are the main reason why the UV light destroys the eyes. This occurs because your pupils expand when you wear sunglasses, and the exposure can destroy your eyes even quicker”. – Meier Schneider

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Bruce Stephen Holms

“Nothing happens by accident. Nothing is as it seems. Everything is connected.”

“… if time travel is ever accomplished then it exists throughout time…”

PO BOX 6678


Verses on the Faith Mind

Dear friends –

I am very humble as I speak to you tonight, becase for several months now, I get two or three or even more notifications from Word Press that new friends are following this collections of things that are very important to me, and which I therefore think, must also be important to you.

But not knowing you, I don’t know what it is that makes one of you tell a pal about our √ritual family” and suggest that they join it too.

But since there are so many new folks, I feel that I should add something which I feel is wonderful, and here it is:

It is a link to a Chinese poem which was written by tSeng ts’an, the Sixth Zen Patriarch, sometime before 600 AD (he died in 606 AD). At this website you will learn a lot about him and about zen in general, and you will be able to read a number of translations of this text, some into Japanese snf some into English. And if you can read Chinese, you will find the whole original text in Chines characters.

The version of this text that I love themost I heard on a tape by Ram Dass (who I love deeply who has taught me so many things, though I have never talked to him, only seen him give a talk once, but lidtened to tapes of him for hundreds of hours driving back and forth from Ashby to Cambridge, while I was teaching at MIT.

Iyt is by Richard Clarke, and you will find it right at the end of this long sequence of web pages. Its title is “Verses on the Faith-MInd.”

I hope it will sing to you, as it has to me for so many years (I was given a beautiful little pamphlet with Richard Clarke’s version on it by my wonderful dharma sister Kathy P who had gotten this pamphlet at a Ram Dass talk. I loved it so much that I typed the whole thing into my Mac, so that I could send it to friends – that was a long time ago, maybe before the internet, anyway before i had ever seen an electronic version.

Sp here you are, all my virtual sisters and brothers, and if you feel like telling me what sort of things in Dream Deep have spoken to you, please write to me at, and if IZ have other things that are similar, I will be very happy to try to put them into our Dream, though I barely know how to steer this thing, which is why I have just been pasting things in, rather than uploading them, because I have never learned to do this. I am in this century, yes, but just barely. I don’t know how to make a web page – I am forever thankful to my friend Rainer for setting up this Word Press place of meeting, and to John Lawler, a great linguist-geek-brother, who gave me squatter’s rights on his huge web page, where he has put a lot of articles by me on pragmantax and on poetics. If you use the prompt :“haj papers” in a search engine, it will take you to these.

So I hope to hear from you sometime or other, but if I nevr do, that seems to be just fine – it seems that the horse knows the way home.

Peace to you all and a very happy summer (or, if in the southern hemisphere. winter).

Peace –


less vast
than love—
let go of
